27.10.2022 klo 17:00 – klo 19:00
Invitation: Keuke's promotional social media evening
How can you utilise social media in sales and in managing customer relations? How can you build an audience and engage them as loyal customers?
Davide Delgrossi, a young Italian entrepreneur, began utilising social media in teaching Italian and in selling his own teaching services during the pandemic. With clever and funny updates, he managed to gather a following that was also willing to buy his services. "Once you have a relationship and mutual trust, sales become easier." Today, Delgrossi has over 200,000 followers on Instagram and more than 5,000 paying customers from around the world.
Sign up to hear Delgrossi's story and learn a thing or two! Please note that the webinar is held in English. Sign up here: https://q.surveypal.com/Socialmedia/0
Go and check out Davide's Instagram and TikTok:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/italianwithdavide/
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@italianwithdavide
Kutsu: Keuken myynnillinen someilta (englanninkielinen tilaisuus)
HUOM! Koulutus on englanniksi
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klo 09:00
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