Sampo is a development project focused on the productivity of businesses and the personnel's wellbeing at work whose objective is to improve productivity and wellbeing at work in the small industrial enterprises (such as metal, food, and woodworking industries) operating in the Uusimaa and Northern Savonia regions chosen to participate in the project. The project also intends to pilot various templates that could be used to create growth services for enterprise use.
The aim of the project is to make businesses interested in the factors that affect productivity, and implement new methods and practices to streamline working, change the atmosphere into a more transparent direction, and expediate problem-solving. The project is carried out in cooperation with Keuke, Kehitysyhtiö Savo Grow Oy from North Savonia, and TTS (Työtehoseura).
The European Social Fund ESF is the main source of funding for the SAMPO project. The project duration is January 1, 2018 – August 31, 2020.
You can read more about the SAMPO service here
Business Developer
Petri ovaska
050 558 5674
petri.ovaska (at)
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