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Muutosnäkymät – Future Watch is a part of Team Finland’s Market Opportunities service. Future Watch offers companies information and foresight on international business in various countries on a 2–5-year time range. Changing markets mean that businesses must assess their competitive advantages and adapt their development strategies. Muutosnäkymät/Future Watch can be found in the Market Opportunities service.

Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) are regional public actors that support the creation, growth and development of SMEs by providing consulting, training and development services as well as financing. More information on

Finnfund is a Finnish development financier that finances corporate projects in developing countries.

Finnpartnership is a business partnership program managed by Finnfund and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its aim is to help Finnish companies do business in developing countries around the world.

The Team Finland network promotes the success of Finland and Finnish companies worldwide. Its core consists of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the publicly funded organizations and foreign offices under their guidance (for example, Finnish diplomatic services abroad, Finpro, Finnvera and Tekes offices, and cultural and scientific institutes). Globally, the Team Finland network is represented by more than 70 local teams. They bring together the Finnish authorities operating in each region, publicly funded organizations and other key Finnish actors.


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